This week’s topic is one of the most important tips because we’re approaching the holidays. These are prescious times in our lives where moments become memories. Taking the time to REFRESH with family and friends is good for the soul.

One of the meanings of REFRESH is to give new strength or energy to. The challenge for many people, especially workaholics, is finding the balance of work and family time. I’m guilty of taking off work, but constantly checking and reviewing emails, responding to text and calls. I understand that emergencies need to be addressed, but during the REFRESHING time, we should put all electronics aside for awhile.

As many of us know, life can be short so giving our attention to the special people in our lives should be a priority. Reenergizing your spirit, soul and body will not only benefit you, but your performance and productivity will increase. For me, there are warning signs that let me know when I need to step away from all the cares of life. For example, my concentration isn’t consistent, very little patience, and I don’t have a lot of control of my words.

I’ve seen many people log long work hours even during the holidays and their families suffer. I’m extremely grateful for my job and I value my team, but they can’t be my number one priority. I can’t give them my best if I’m not operating in excellence, so taking the time to REFRESH is good for everyone.

Be wise in how you prioritize your life because the ones you love will appreciate the time spent, more than what you can give them in material possessions.

Love you guys, see you next week….

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1 thought on “TUESDAY’S TIP: REFRESH

  1. True indeed

    Sent from my iPhone



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